Tel.: 030/69520778Mobil: 0163/8677315WhatsappWA

Your Berlin removal company Your Berlin removal company

Clearing out Berlin

Clear out your flat, garage, attic or cellar

Clearing out Berlin

Space is a limited commodity - at some point you won't have any more. Then it's time to get rid of some of your collected ‘treasures’ in order to have more space to live in again. If you don't want to part with everything just yet, we may be able to help you with our storage service.

However, clearing out can also be necessary in less pleasant situations. We also take care of clearing out homes after deaths, bankruptcies, business closures or changes of tenant. With our comprehensive service, we endeavour to make clearing out and the associated disposal as simple, quick and uncomplicated as possible for you in your difficult situation.

Clearing out with pre-inspection

If you are unable to estimate the scope of your clear-out and what type of bulky waste it will contain, we will of course be happy to visit you and record the scope. You will then usually receive your personalised quote for the clear-out directly on site. We can also give you recommendations on how many employees would be useful to ensure that the clear-out is completed quickly.

Clearing out in Berlin and Brandenburg - Our services for you

Are you looking for a professional partner for clearing out in Berlin?

  • Clearing out houses, flats, garages, gazebos and much more
  • Professional attic clear-out (attic clear-out)
  • Cellar clearance
  • Collection and professional disposal of bulky waste
  • Professional house clearance
  • Professional business clearances
  • Storage of furniture and household goods
  • Organisation of small repairs
  • Fair conditions

We offer professional and inexpensive clearing out and disposal of furniture, electronic waste and other household goods in the Berlin and Brandenburg area. We professionally clear out flats, shops, shops, garages, cellars, attics, garden sheds, warehouses and other premises and, of course, dispose of them in an environmentally friendly manner.

For problematic and toxic waste, please ask us in detail in advance what disposal options we can offer you.

Are you looking for clearing out in Berlin?

⭐ Your advantages with our clear-out service

  • Save yourself the work, the mess and also the increased risk of injury when ‘clearing out’ yourself. We know exactly how to clear out everything quickly and cleanly.
  • A professional clear-out costs less than you might think. We have fair prices!
  • We dispose of old furniture and household goods cleanly and professionally at the Berlin waste disposal companies.
  • Can be easily combined with other services (storage, removal, ....). Our service - your advantage.

⭐ It's so easy to get your clear-out done

We usually always have a few free capacities, even at short notice. This means that additional services such as clearing out or disposal can often be scheduled at short notice. The quickest way to contact us is by phone or, outside business hours, by e-mail. If necessary, we will arrange a viewing appointment with you directly on site and you will then immediately receive our favourable offer.

Your ADVANTAGES with KLASSIK decluttering

  • Save yourself time, stress and effort - simply leave the clearing out to the professionals
  • We can almost always find a suitable date for you, even at short notice
  • Always fair prices, always top quality
  • Professional waste disposal services
  • Direct option for storage at favourable conditions

Interested in our clearing-out services?
The best thing to do is to give us a call and we will explain all the details to you personally.
Tel.: 030/69520778 • Mobile: 0163/8677315

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